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Galerie Martel-Greiner

Antiques & Art Galleries
Hélène Greiner offers a rediscovery of the inter-war sculptures- with some major artists such as Bourdelle, Delamarre, Despiau, Gimond, Janniot, Letourneur, Malfray, Maillol, Poisson, Rivière, Osouf, Wlérick...

Each one of those independent personalities successfully managed to bring a new dimension to the art of sculpture which seemed to be somewhat stymied after the great loss of Rodin’s death, they reinvented and transfigured the inter-war sculpture.

Among those leading figures stood artists such as Adam, Adam-Tessier, Bury, Cardenas, Curie, Couturier, Dodeigne, Etienne-Martin, Gilioli, Granet, Guzman, Hajdu, Letourneur, Lipsi, Mercier, Penalba, Philolaos, Poncet, Reinhoud, Richier, Stahly, Storel, Strebelle, Tarabella, Voisin, Waldberg, Zadkine, Zwobada

For more detailed information, see website



Galerie Martel-Greiner

71 Bd Raspail
75006 Paris