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The University of Leicester Botanic Garden & Attenborough Arboretum

Gardens & Parks
The University of Leicester Botanic Garden & Attenborough Arboretum cover 6.5 ha (16 acres), and comprise the grounds of four houses, merged into a single entity. The four houses are now used as student residences.

The garden was created in 1921 in cooperation with the Leicester Literary and Philosophical Society, whereas the present location was established in 1947.

The gardens display plants from around the world and focuses on teaching and research. They includes an arboretum, a herb garden, woodland and herbaceous borders, rock gardens, a water garden, special collections of Skimmia, Aubrieta, and hardy Fuchsia, and a series of glasshouses displaying temperate and tropical plants, alpines and succulents.

For more detailed information, see website




The University of Leicester Botanic Garden


Attenborough Arboretum

University of Leicester Botanic Gardens
Glebe Rd, Oadby
United Kingdom