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Villa Mondragone

Castles & Country Houses, Gardens & Parks
Villa Mondragone, a former ecclesial property, was constructed for Cardinal Mark Sittich von Hohenems Altemps (1533-1595), and later used by the Borghese Cardinal Scipione and Pope Paul V.

From 1626 however, the successive popes preferred Castelgandolfo as their summer residence.

Mid-19th century the famous George Sand stayed here and used the place as the setting of her book 'Daniella'.

In 1981 Villa Mondragone was sold by the Order of the Jesuits to the University of Roma Tot Vergata.

It can be visited only by prior appointment.



Villa Mondragone

Via Frascati, 51
Villa Mondragone
00078 Monte Porzio Catone RM