Adam Partridge Auctioneers & Valuers was established in 2008 and hold sales for Art, Antiques & Collectables. Free valuation days are held at the auction rooms ... read more
Adlington Hall and the previous buildings on the same site, has been the home of the Legh family since the early 14th century. The House and Gardens are open to the ... read more
Capesthorne Hall dates back to 1386 and is the family home of the the Bromley-Davenports. The Hall, with its beautiful collections, and gardens are open to the public ... read more
EBWatts was born in New York City in 1940 into a family of professional artists. Her art is unmistakable and instantly recognisable amongst connoisseurs. In 1962 she had ... read more
Gawsworth Hall was built in 1480. Since 1962 it is in the hands of the Richards family and today the home of Elizabeth Richards, and her sons Rupert and Jonathan. The Hall ... read more
National Trust Hare Hill is a garden, separated from Hare Hill Hall , which is in private hands. The hall was sold by the National Trust, in order to finance the running ... read more