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Battle of Britain Bunker

Museums & Art Centres
The Battle of Britain Bunker is the war-bunker with the rooms from which most of the RAF's side of the WW II Battle of Britain was co-ordinated. It makes alive again Churchill's famous phrase about the Battle of Britain "Never in the field of human conflict was so much owed by so many to so few" .

The Operations Room, in reality, a series of rooms on two levels some 60 feet (18 metres) underground, is reached via 76 steps. The plotting room with its large map table, squadron display boards, balloon and weather states, is exactly how it was when Winston Churchill visited on 15 September 1940.

The site is available for corporate and private events, such as receptions and children's birthday parties.

For more detailed informations, see website



Battle of Britain Bunker

Battle of Britain Bunker, Wren Ave
UB10 0BE
United Kingdom