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Domaine Château d’Ermenonville

Castles & Country Houses, Event, Film & Wedding Hire, Gardens & Parks
Domaine Château d’Ermenonville, presently a hotel, is the place where Henry IV met his famous mistress Gabrielle d'Estrées. The château is surrounded by beautiful gardens, created by Marquis René de Girardin in the 18th century.

Jean-Jaques Rousseau dies here on July 2nd, 1778, and his friend, René de Girardin, has him buried on the Isle of Poplars.

The Château d’Ermenonville is a perfect venue for weddings and conferences.

For more detailed information, see website



Domaine Château d’Ermenonville

Château d’Ermenonville
Rue René de Girardin
60950 Ermenonville