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The Louvre Lens

Museums & Art Centres
The Louvre Lens, opened in 2012, is a branch of the Louvre Museum in Paris and constructed on a 20-ha (49-acre) former mining site, closed in the 1960s. In the 'Galerie du Temps' the museum displays items from the 4th millennium BC to the 19th century, through all civilisations, techniques and periods.

The 'Galerie des Expositions Temporaires' is mainly used for the two yearly large exhibitions, dedicated to an artist, a special period of time or other important theme.

Furthermore in the 'Pavillion du Verre', the museum hosts thematic temporary exhibitions, including contemporary art and meseographic experiments.

For more detailed informations, see website


The Louvre Lens

99 Rue Paul Bert
62300 Lens