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The Ganz Ábrahám Foundry Collection

Museums & Art Centres
The Foundry Museum (Öntödei Múzeum), a branch museum of the Hungarian Museum of Technology and Transport,  was opened in 1969 and is housed in a factory building of the 19th century.  It used to be Ábrahám Ganz’s factory, in which a foundry operated until the 1960s. 

You can see a wide range of canons, lamps, parts of cars and ships, irons, wheels, rotating blades, door handles and the artistic cast iron objects of the 19th century, as well as railway bicycles, naval casts and the busts of prominent figures.

For more detailed informations, see website


The Ganz Ábrahám Foundry Collection

Öntödei Múzeum
Bem József u. 20