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Musée des Années 30 - Museum of the Thirties

Museums & Art Centres
The Musée des Années 30 - Museum of the Thirties is dedicated to the artistic world of the 1930s, and contains decorative objects, furniture, ceramics,  some 800 sculptures, 2,000 paintings, as well as models of town houses and buildings of the 1930s.

Some renowned artists: Bernard Boutet de Monvel, Alfred Courmes, Maurice Denis, Georges Desvallières, Amédée La Patelière, Eugène Poughéon, Henry de Waroquier, Joseph Bernard and Paul Landowski.

For more detailed informations, see website


Musée des Années 30 - Museum of the Thirties

Espace Landowski, 28 Avenue André Morizet
92100 Boulogne-Billancourt