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National Museum in Krakow

Museums & Art Centres
The National Museum in Krakow's Main Building houses three permanent galleries: The Gallery 'Arms and Uniforms', The Gallery of decorative Arts and The Gallery of 20th-Century Polish Art.

The Gallery 'Arms and Uniforms' offers a display of more than 2,000 exhibits from the Middle Ages to World War II.

The Gallery of decorative Arts displays objects from the Early Middle Ages to the Art Nouveau period in stylishly arranged interiors including its collection of gold, fabrics, clothing, furniture, ceramics and glassware, complete with a unique collection of musical instruments and judaica.

The Gallery of 20th-Century Polish Art is temporarely closed.

The museum's Main Building also hosts temporary exhibitions.

For more deailed informations, see website



National Museum in Krakow

Al. 3 Maja 1
30-062 Krakow