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Schloss Grafenegg - Grafenegg Concerts & Festival

Castles & Country Houses, Event, Film & Wedding Hire, Gardens & Parks, Music
Grafenegg stands for highly refined entertainment, a feast for all senses, with a mixture of a yearly Music Festival in summer, concerts at all seasons, and many other events, against the backdrop of a vibrant symbiosis of old and new; A medieval castle next to a futuristic open-air stage, a modern outdoor stage in an English park, or a 19th century riding arena next to a brand-new concert hall.

The Grafenegg Festival has become an internationally renowned annual classical music festival. The concerts are performed at the open-air stage Wolkenturm or in the concert hall Auditorium.

The artistic director is the pianist Rudolf Buchbinder, supported by the orchestra in residence, the Austrian Tonkünstler Orchestra. Next to the international guest orchestras and musicians, the festival introduces also its annual Grafenegg Composer in Residence. The latter presents newly commissioned works including workshops for young composers and conductors. 

The Grafenegg Castle has a long history of seven centuries, whereas with its 19th century extensions and improvements, it has become Austria’s most important example of historicism.

Through inheritance, the estate's enterprises are today owned and managed by Tassilo Metternich-Sándor (1965), married to Clarissa Countess of Toerring-Jettenbach. His father Franz Albrecht Metternich-Sándor (1920– 2009) initiated the tradition of holding major artistic events and exhibitions in Grafenegg in 1971.

Several venue-renting possibilities are possible at the Auditorium & Reitschule, the Castle State Rooms or at the new Seminar Center at the first floor, as well as at the Wolkenturm and Castle park.

For additional informations, programs, etc., see website



Schloss Grafenegg - Grafenegg Concerts & Festival

Grafenegg 10
3485 Grafenegg