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SNM - The Ludovit Stur Museum

Museums & Art Centres
The Ludovit Stur Museum, part of the Slovak National Museum, is devoted to the documentation and presentation of life, work and activities of Ľudovít Štúr in the context of the national, social, cultural and literary movement of the 19th century.

 Ľudovít Štúr (1815 – 1856), was a Slovakian revolutionary politician, writer and leader of the Slovak Nationa Revival movement.

It also presents the history of Modra and its environs, its ethnographical, ceramic and cultural traditions. The museum with its 6.000 objects and 19.000 library items resides in the house where Ľ. Štúr died.

For more detailed informations, see website


SNM - The Ludovit Stur Museum

Štúrova 84
900 01 Modra