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The British Library

Museums & Art Centres
The British Library is the largest library in the world with over 170 million items from almost every language and faith group. Together, they occupy over 746km of total shelving, and this is growing an extra 8km every year, whereas the library is a legal deposit, thus receiving a copy of every publication produced in the UK and Ireland.

The visitors can admire in the permanent exhibition a number of valuable books and manuscripts in the Sir John Ritblat Gallery, some highlights of which are the Magna Carta, the Gutenberg Bible, Chaucer's Canterbury Tales, famous works of Jane Austen, Jane Eyre, Kipling, Virginia Woolf...

In addition to the permanent exhibition, the British Library holds regular thematic exhibitions. 

For more detailed informations, see website


The British Library

96 Euston Rd
Somers Town
United Kingdom