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Museum of Classic Art, La Sapienza

Museums & Art Centres
The Museum of Classic Art (Museum of  Plaster Models), housed in basement of the Faculty of Letters of the University "La Sapienza", displays reproductions of handmade articles, paintings of the Minoan and Mycenaean Ages, and more than 1,000 plaster casts of Greek sculptures from the protoarchaic period to late Hellenism.

The museum was created as a didactic tool for the Chair of Classic Archaeology in 1892 by the archaeologist Emanuel Loewi (1857-1938).

These are copies of works by Phidias, Praxiteles, Miro, and Lysippus. Also remarkable are the Tyrannicides, the group of Laocoon, the sculptures on the pediment of the temple of Zeus in Olympia and the frieze on the altar in Pergamon.

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Museum of Classical Art

Museo di Arte classica della Sapienza

Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Piazzale Aldo Moro, 5
00185 Rome RM