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Giardino dei Semplici - Orto Botanico di Firenze

Gardens & Parks
Giardino dei Semplici (2.3 ha) was founded in 1545 on request of Cosimo I de Medici. At the beginning it was made for medical plants, but redirected its focus after the creation of the Società Botanica in 1753. 

After the Botanic gardens of Pisa and Padova, it is the third oldest of its kind in Europe.

The garden opened to the public mid-19th century.

 It is part of Museo di Storia Naturale di Firenze, managed by the University of Florence, the garden is open weekday mornings. 

For more detailed information, see website



Giardino dei Semplici - Orto Botanico di Firenze

Via Pier Antonio Micheli, 3
50121 Florence FI