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Museum of Romani Culture

Museums & Art Centres
Museum of Romani Culture, dating back to 1991, is a unique museum focusing on the history and culture of the Romani/Gypsy people, showcasing a large collection of around 25.000 items.

Today, the visitors can admire the works of traditional crafts and professions, types of dwellings, interior furnishings, clothing and jewellery, fine arts, written materials, posters and invitations, audio, photo and video documentation...

There is library and the study room in the Museum available to the researchers.

Apart from the permanent exhibition, the Museum offers a wide range of temporary exhibitions to the public, organizes a number of other public events such as lectures, meetings, film evenings, fashion shows, concerts or books promotions and sales of music of its own production (not only), the annual Museum Night, etc.

For more detailed informations, see website


Museum of Romani Culture

Bratislavská 246
602 00 Brno
Czech Republic